Saturday, July 29, 2006

the businessman, in his Suit and Tie


It's been the summeriest summer known to me in Ireland. It finally rained yesterday I got soaked. Never did I think I'd look forward to such a time. It meant I changed 3 times in work I felt like a walking fashion show. But I wasn't. There was loads of drinking in work after work yesterday which I can never decide if it's a good thing or not. Some people just seem to take it as immediate licence to violate section 23b (or whatever) of the newly issued company handbook and thrust their asses in the air for all the camera phones to capture in a a vigourous game of twister. I was encouraged to take part "because you do pilates", but my dignity prevailed and I just tutted from the sidelines. However on a good note there was lots of prosecco on offer. Fizzy shizz is my favourite drink these days. The wedding era got me into it. I also drank too much fizzy in catherine's gaff for her birthday t'other day for her birthday (HBC!) where I gave her what I believe to be the best life-affirming greeting card ever:
deadly card

In other news on how our budding marraige is going, this pretty much sums it up. He may say other wise but I think I captured the inner Mark here.
feel the love
You can feel the love, see how happy he is: to be with me; to be getting his photo taken; in general. Never mind, we've recently found out the registrar that married us lives in the apartment block next door, so any fights we have I'm going knocking on his door "you married us - you bloody solve this! Who should make the tea?" Ah no, I'm only kidding. It's like this all the time now really. (Somebody should have told me that I'm such a shortarse, I got a bit of a fright when I saw this photo)
gosh i am small

Now, does anyone else's mothers do this in photos? Sort of tends to the flowers, almost like she had grown them herself, and also to draw the viewers eye in to the wonder of nature. Mine does, obviously, and this photo is an homage to her.
another one for ma

Another example of summer here - a post work jaunt round Howth Head a couple of weeks ago with the ladies. A wonderful coming together of hiking and style I think you'll agree.
ladies in howth

That's it now, and there yissers were thinking I'd given up the blogging. Keep you on your toes you see. (it's raining and I'm hungover, i'm at my peak)


Anonymous said...

best line ever -
"I also drank too much fizzy in catherine's gaff for her birthday t'other day for her birthday (HBC!) ..."
straight from the brain of homer simpson. were ya pissed when you typed this? LOF'N'L

Anonymous said...

Feck ye and your activities.
Way to make me feel dead lazy.

jill said...

hmm. yes, the blogging break has done nothing for my brain power. today i struggled wildly when marks mum asked me what our friends had made us for dinner last night. I knew what I ate but I couldnt think of the words 'rocket', 'halloumi' or 'sweet potato'. (amazing salad btw)

eLLa said...

auntie jill, unless you blog from croatia, you're going to have no august entries. have you given up? I mean I've slowed down but I'm not as slack as you...