i wolf whistled at them and mark called me a slut. when we made a half hearted attempt to evacuate (there was no fire btw), mark tucked the powerbook under his arm and exited ahead of me. Ladies and gentlemen, my new husband...
Maybe mark actually set off the alarm, I have been making him assemble a good few flatpack furniture items this last couple of days. Wouldn't be surprised is he was trying to escape at this point.
Exhibit A:

Fancy eh? That's taupe microfibre that is, argos's finest. (surprisingly good back support mind) It's to go at our new desk. See how he looks like he's busy doing important stuff, like considering a merger, or closing a deal? Except that he's wearing my school PE tshirt, school, that I left 10 years ago. And he's nigh on a foot taller than me. Them Loreto nuns really loved us to show off our budding lady curves.
What's going to happen at this desk? If it's anything like ours, aimless surfing and watching stuff.
well its in the bedroom, so hopefully focussed computer usage. that or me screaming shut up from under me pillow at 2am at the incessant typing while mark ichats with someone across the atlantic.
i'll take it you mean the fire drill was the most exciting thing to happen in Premier Square AFTER the visit of me and D in Feb.
computer in the bedroom? so, like, you can have breakfast at the kitchen table now...? amazing!
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