Friday, January 05, 2007

new year new bike

I thought I'd have more to blog over Christmas, but I spent most of it in the land of dial up/hungover/sitting on my arse/playing with my new ipod (rest in peace 4th gen 20gb, long live 5th gen 30gb). Now Mark's poor ol mac is spending all its time wheezing through torrents looking for bundles of video for me to squint at on said new ipod with me 20:20's.

Then tomorrow my big mission is to buy a new bike. Wahoo. The free Falcon Explorer of indeterminate age I got last year from freecycle is truly about to fall apart under my boney bum one of these days. My only criteria for the bike, apart from being ridonculously cheap, is front suspension, then all the potholes and mounds of Whitworth road and Gardiner st will just melt away. Paradoxically, if that's the right word, I also having driving lesson number 4 tomorrow. I'm a menace to society, and my driving instructor's car. The aim is to have my licence by september for the Great Group Trip to Tuscany. The more people I tell, the more likely it is I can't shirk it. My friend Paula said the same about doing the marathon this year* but that's probably harder than learning to drive. So with all the cycling and driving, and thinking endlessly about my first jewellery commission (actual hard metalwork not just la-di-dah beading business) sure it's a wonder i have a minute.

If I get the bike I'll pose beside it and stick a photo up. I'm going to bring it into the apartment and all, just to get it used to its new home.

*she bleedin' better now me and mark have booked flights to go to Edinburgh and stand on the side of the road whooping at her.


Katherine said...

Hey the link to me has disappeared! I have to buy a bike lock tomorrow or my little-used little bike will be robbed.

Good woman Paula, I think I can safely say I will never run a marathon.

Oh Office Season 3 is on the downloads there, we are loving it.

jill said...

thats fixed.
I'm downloading Ugly Betty, Mighty Boosh 1&2, a Kath & Kim special, and US Office 2&3. Not quite all at once though. Poor ol Mark can barely check his email.